Here we are at the end of January, the month of New Year’s resolutions. Did you make any resolutions about writing for 2012? Plan to start a new project? Market something you’ve already written? Begin a blog? Update your website?
I use a free daily reminder tool called iDoneThisToday. I may have written about this tool before. I am a big fan.
Every day at 3:30, the site sends me an email asking me what I got done today. I reply to the email (well, let’s say I reply if I have something to report) and the site records it on a monthly calendar. In November, I pledged to write something five days a week. I took December off. This month I resolved to take at least 5000 steps per day (I use a pedometer for this)—writers need to stay healthy to produce their best work, right? At the end of the month, I can look at the calendar to see how much or how little I accomplished toward my resolution. I think I will pledge to write 1000 words a day in February. What about you?