In addition to researching and writing historical books, I teach writing at a large Midwestern university. My students are very technology savvy, and not a day goes by that I don’t learn something digital from them that I can apply to my own writing projects.
I wanted to share this knowledge, so I wrote and published the eBook Writing Historical Fiction: Advice for the Digital Age. Then, because technology changes so rapidly and new tools emerge daily, I decided to start this blog to begin a continuing conversation about digital tools that can be adapted for researching, writing, revising, publishing and promoting writing, especially historical fiction.
Is there a digital tool or site that you use in your writing? Share it with us----or comment on my posts about digital tools and sites. By the way, I do not have any business affiliations with any commercial tools or sites discussed in my posts. In fact, most of them are free to use. I’ll let you know if they’re not.